Travis Nyland

Let's build something with panache!

Communication Analytics


Sales & Marketing

Software Development

Code Portfolio


A full stack web application powered by the Spotify web API that generates music playlists based on the user's mood. The input options included a dropdown menu as well as a voice interface. It allows users to create a profile, define their music tastes, and save custom playlists. Supported full playback on a variety of devices. I was primarily responsible for relational database management, accessibility features, and front end component design. Created as part of a cross-functional team at Tech Elevator Software Development Bootcamp and received highest demo viewership among expo participants.

Tech Stack Used: CSS, HTML, Java, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, Spring, Vue.js, Spotify Web API

A video game built exclusively in Python in which the player must attempt to navigate and survive in an increasingly hostile and adapting wasteland that is now inhabited by heavily mutated and violent slug creatures.

Tech Stack Used: Python, Pygame

No More Slugz!

I've omitted some projects, details, and names because I'm under obligation to other parties.

turned-on Android smartphone
turned-on Android smartphone

Payment Processor

Developed an application for a client utilizing SQL Databases, Java, Client Design, Web APIs, and the Spring Framework. It could transfer user funds, register new users, record transaction info, and recall previous transactions. Was responsible for E/R diagram design, database construction and majority of back end work.

Ask about my CRM dashboard, blockchain project, role playing game, Netflix clone, and other projects not listed :)

About Me

I am a software developer with a voracious appetite for learning and an exceptionally wide range of hobbyist interests and experience in technology, communications, automotive work, and business management. I am a graduate from the Ohio State University and spent several years working in operations management and business development before completing the full stack web application development program from Tech Elevator in 2023 with a specialization in Java.

I have professional experience in diverse sectors such as logistics, auto sales, health care, and audio engineering which has given me a unique perspective on integrating and optimizing technology in various industries. Don't just take my word for it though, take a look at what some of my colleagues have to say below.

graduation from tech elevator
graduation from tech elevator


Preferred Tech Stack

Current Focuses

Studying for AWS cloud practitioner and solutions architect certifications

Finishing front end web development certification from

Tools I am familiar with

  • Python

  • AWS

  • PHP

  • Netlytic

  • Google Analytics

  • Spring

  • Apache

  • Git

  • Javascript

  • SSMS

  • Many others to list

  • Many others to learn

  • Java

  • VueJS

  • PostgreSQL

"Travis and I worked together on several projects. Travis' knowledge and execution of database design, SQL, and PostgreSQL was phenomenal but where he really shined was working within the VueJS framework; He was able to implement requested application functionalities successfully and with clear and concise code. Travis' technical skills and natural capacity to lead was an asset to the success of our group.
He collaborated with the group to bring our visions to life but also has the ability to work independently without direction. Travis also demonstrates exceptional leadership and communication skills, and brings ingenuity to every line of code he touches. I wholeheartedly endorse Travis' skills and professional aptitude."

Brianna McNeil
Data Engineer - Humana

References & Testimonials

"He is a rockstar! Clear communication, eye contact, literally everything about him was wonderful! He did a great job walking me through his career history, why he went through the program, what he wants to do, what types of projects he's worked on (in good detail, but brief enough). Really great communication skills, professionally dressed. I can't think of a single thing he could improve on. You can tell he's a professional."

Sr. Technical Recruiter - Vaco

"I thought Travis brought great energy to his interview. I can tell he has a lot of personality and a great story to tell. Travis has a compelling background in terms of his work experience and the road that brought him to programming and Tech Elevator. I thought he did a fine job answering technical questions. Travis should continue to bring his energy to his work and he will be sure to find success!"

Pathway Director - Tech Elevator

"Let me tell you a story about working with Travis. Picture this. It's the final project at our coding bootcamp. For the first time everyone is developing in a full blown Agile environment. Everyone is stressed. Everyone is overwhelmed.

Our Instructor/Product Owner/Scrum Master sees this, and decides to ask for a completely new feature. A voice interface. Now, we had learned little to nothing about voice interfaces at this point, so we were... hesitant. With the exception of Travis.

Travis said "Give it to me." Travis took the lead on the voice interface and here's what he did; he f*cking killed it. He did the research, he built three (3) iterations of the code that we used in the final project. He busted his ass, he trusted the process and he delivered the product, as requested, and on time. What more could you ask?"

Will Gainsborough
Producer | Developer | Certified Scrum Master | Human Person

"Travis is a natural problem solver. He brings efficient and out of the box solutions to complex problems. He is a team player who supports, motivates, and works well with anyone around him. He has a drive for learning and not settling for the easiest answer, but rather the best answer to a problem."

Luke McCormac
Software Developer | Certified Scrum Product Owner - Franklin County Data Center (FCDC)

"I've known Travis for 9 years and I can say with confidence that he is a quick study and self-motivated learner. Firsthand, I've seen that he's capable of effectively (primarily independently) leading a team and equally capable of taking direction and constructive criticism from leadership. I would count him as one trustworthy of independent action and would trust him in the role of supervising others. I know him to be a man of integrity and does not lack the humility to admit when he is wrong or to ask for help when it is appropriate. He has a warmth and charisma about him that people gravitate towards. He is a guy who gets things done, loves making positive contributions to the workplace environment, and is great at making genuine connections with people.

Shannon Meza
Team Lead - NWCCC

Want to know what else I'd bring to your project? Click the button below to download a pdf of my CliftonStrengths Assessment from Gallop!

Contact Me

Let's connect and collaborate! I'm always open to inquires and opportunities to meet other members of the global tech community and other industries!

Wow! you made it to the bottom! You must mean business. It'd be a shame to make it this far and not reach out ;)